Supplier feedback
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
the topics of process optimization and sustainability are two of the guiding principles of thyssenkrupp Marine Systems supplier development. As we see a high potential in optimizing our order processing we would like to ask you today for your support and a little of your precious time.
In view of future projects, we would like to ask you to give us feedback on our cooperation so far. We are especially pleased if you take the opportunity to go beyond the awarding of points and give examples and wishes on how the cooperation can be improved (maximum 1000 characters per question).
It is possible for you to upload attachments for explanation. Please refer to the corresponding attachment in the respective question. All information you submit will of course be treated confidentially.
Please also bear in mind that no information may be uploaded that is subject to confidentiality.
In case of any queries, please provide us with a contact person.
Thank you for your cooperation
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